Rovuma LNG Opportunities
MozUp Opportunities
JOB DESCRIPTION - Assistente De Programa
JOB DESCRIPTION - Manifestação de Interesse MRV - Tubos com Solda de Arco Submerso (SAW)
JOB DESCRIPTION - Manifestação de Interesse MRV - Tubos Sem Costura (SMLS)
JOB DESCRIPTION - Manifestação de Interesse MRV - Tubos Revestidos Mecanicamente (MLP) /Tubos Cladeados (HRB)
JOB DESCRIPTION - Expression of interest for provision of project management services
JOB DESCRIPTION - Expression of interest for provision of coil tubing & pumping services
JOB DESCRIPTION - Expression of interest for provision of retrievable bridge plug service
JOB DESCRIPTION - Expression of Interest for Provision Mud Logging Services
JOB DESCRIPTION - Expression of interest for provision of rov and subsea tooling services
JOB DESCRIPTION - Expression of interest for provision of stationery and office equipment in mozambique
JOB DESCRIPTION - Expression of Interest for the Provision of Cleaning Services in Pemba
JOB DESCRIPTION - Expression of interest for local travel agency services
JOB DESCRIPTION - Expression of interest for translation and interpretations services for maputo and pemba