About Us
MozUp serves as a center of excellence that cultivates and grows competitive Mozambican businesses with transferable skills and knowledge to support local economic development.
It provides a multi-stakeholder platform to assist Mozambican businesses and international partners to enter into and benefit from a wide variety of growing market opportunities including the Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) supply chain.
Since 2019, MozUp has worked closely with over 1,200 local suppliers and small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) to prepare them to compete for local and international business.
Its premier business services include the Supplier Management Portal (SMP) with over 3,500 registered companies, as well as providing firm-level assessments, advisory services, training, mentoring, networking opportunities and information on how to access capital.
Supplier Management Portal
The Rovuma LNG Supplier Management Portal is a premier database for oil and gas suppliers

+258 84 777 3751
+258 82 777 3751


+258 85 859 3163
+258 87 500 4700

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